French 25 Years Old Presentation

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Re: French 25 Years Old Presentation


Beitrag: # 35308Beitrag KraftwerkNation63 »

Hi Sean,

Thanks for your kindness. Actually, i have not touch the Telex since 2 weeks.I'm actually on my foreign family for Christmas. I return to my house the 3 January. Maybe a little time near, the 28 too. But not sure. I'm thinking about it, i think i must maybe clean each contact on all the unit, and clean the plug. For the Zoom conference, it will be a good solution, and i'm ok for that! :D

I wish you a Merry Christmas!


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Re: French 25 Years Old Presentation


Beitrag: # 35334Beitrag M1ECY »

Hi Theo,

Not a problem.

I have tracked down someone in France that has a manual for the machine, though he is not keen to copy it for me. He will however scan some odd pages, which is very helpful.

I will ask him to scan the electrical schematic, and any mechanical layout drawings - this will help.

Enjoy your holiday
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Re: French 25 Years Old Presentation


Beitrag: # 35335Beitrag KraftwerkNation63 »

Thanks Sean

We keep in contact. I will post an request on "Leboncoin", if a person have no one for sell. Will be useful to have it, you are right!

have a nice day

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Re: French 25 Years Old Presentation


Beitrag: # 37568Beitrag KraftwerkNation63 »

Hi Everyone,

To begin, i would like to apologize for my silence during 5 month. I was really busy with the restauration of my house. During this time, i have take the decision to sell the Sagem. A person who have work with teletype in the past says to me that Sagem, was not, for him, a good brand. Very "cheapskate" about documentations, very expensive for maintenance, and dificulty to found spare parts.

Luckily, i have sell it without lot any money.

BUT, the story is not finish...! I was in holiday, in the south of France, when i found on a French Forum, a person who want to found a person interested to retrieve a Teletype ARS-33. Freely... So! On the road, i have take it! It is an US brand, so, i have think that this machine will be more simple to restaure, and more simple to found spare parts.

So, i have clean and it look like this. Unfortunatly, many "little parts" are missing.

Maybe is more simple for the next readers that i open a new post with the first movie of the machine, and try to make working this little monster!

Have a great day and Thank again for your patience and kindness.

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Re: French 25 Years Old Presentation


Beitrag: # 37618Beitrag Baderbahn »

Hi Theo,

If you need help via pictures or videos, please feel free to contact me. I have a working ASR33 in my place.

Viele Grüße,
Simon / Baderbahn

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Re: French 25 Years Old Presentation


Beitrag: # 37620Beitrag KraftwerkNation63 »

Thanks Simon!
I will open a other subject with the ASR-33. Feel free to answer on it!
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