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TW39Plus questions

Verfasst: Di 27. Okt 2020, 00:12
von PaulHeller
Hello, please excuse my questions but I could not find documentation for the TW39plus options and I don't always know the technical german words.

I just replaced the chip on my TW39 card with an ATMEGA328P so that I could use TW39plus. I understand most of the new options but there are some that I do not understand:

- Weiterleitungen abweisen. This has been explained to me before, but I still do not understand what J and N do for this parameter.
- maximale Hochlauf-zeit. Hochlauf?
- Funktion taste am Modul. What are the options for this parameter and what does it do?

Thank you in advance.

Re: TW39Plus questions

Verfasst: Di 27. Okt 2020, 09:17
von FredSonnenrein
Hi Paul,
Generally: Yes, an english translation for these options would be helpful. An english version of the firmware is available, but without english manual this doesn't help that much i think.
A complete german manual is now available at ... _(i-Telex) . The part of TW39plus configuration is described here: ... s-Abfragen . Maybe that helps with an automated translation.
But here are some answers regarding your questions.

For "Weiterleitungen abweisen": If the ethernet-card receives a call and the called machine is "busy" (i.e. due an internal connection or beeing switches off), the ethernet-card may search for other machines which are currently free to receive the call. This search checks all TW39cards and ED1000 cards and also serial interfaces in numerical order. If one is free, the incoming call is redirected to that interface. If one of these interfaces shall be excluded from this search, this can be done by answering "J" for "Weiterleitungen abweisen".

For "maximale Hochlaufzeit": If the TW39card is free and receives a call, it swiches on the machine (by reversing the polarity of the TW39 loop) and waits for an "acknowledge" of the connected printer. If this acknowledge (in fact the increase of the loop current from 5 mA to 40 mA) does not happen within the timeout "maximale Hochlaufzeit", the interface will switch to a "failure mode" and will not accept further incoming calls.

For "Funktion taste am Modul":
Value 0: Pressing the button switches the interface card to an idle (deactivated) state.
Value 1: Pressing the button starts the printout of a test text.
Value 2: ...hard to explain in short word. Only to be used together with an hardware extension.



Re: TW39Plus questions

Verfasst: Di 27. Okt 2020, 16:52
von PaulHeller
Thanks Fred. I applaud the wiki and all the hard work that people put into making it. It is very good. As a non-native german speaker, it is not easy to use however. Fortunately some browsers now translate a website and they do a good enough job to figure things out. I used Microsoft Edge to view the wiki site and told Edge to translate to English and the site was almost usable.